Monday, August 10, 2015

Adrien: Alone At Last.

Friday I had a half day alone in the office (yay!) which I took as an invitation to wear whatever I wanted. And, what I wanted to wear was my new pair of distressed jeans from BR:

These jeans have become such a favorite of mine! Such a good casual summer option. They're super-soft and comfortable and the length is perfect. I'm wearing them with a striped Old Navy top (a gift from my friend Paula last year) which just fuels my desire for All The Stripes. This one from Boden is next on my list. And this one. And how cute is this from F21? (Just give me all of them.)

I dug out my old MBMJ Hillier Hobo, still such a great everyday bag. Highly recommend. My necklace is a Jules Smith resin pendant in turquoise (on sale!) and lately I've been wearing it a lot. It gives a nice little bit of color without being in your face about it. My bracelet is Giles and Brother, an encrusted version of the Skinny Cortina cuff.

My shoes are Lotta from Stockholm peeptoe clogs in red! They're not so dark in real life, it was raining Friday morning so the light was a little weird and what can you do:

I love them! The photo I posted on our IG account last week is definitely more true to the bright, cheerful red:

Yay red shoes. 


  1. Love the jeans, but O.M.G, I can't even think about jeans in the summer in Arkansas! No way! It's been in the hundreds here with a heat index around 115. We expect a cold front to come through tonight, so the temp tomorrow should only be about 95. :-( Not complaining though. Even though it's Africa hot here, I still prefer summer. I despise the cold temps!! Blech!

    1. Normally it would be way too hot here in VA too, but we've been having unseasonably mild/rainy weather.

  2. Thanks for posting about those BR jeans! I have worn mine on repeat since they arrived. They basically feel like pajamas.

  3. Nice tan! The jeans look great and seam very comfortable.

  4. Hello! Have you had any issue with the red on your Lottas rubbing off? I took your cue and bought some and I mostly love them? But my feet are decidedly pink when the day is over.

  5. Hello! Have you had any issue with the red on your Lottas rubbing off? I took your cue and bought some and I mostly love them? But my feet are decidedly pink when the day is over.

    1. No! That hasn't happened to me. Weird. I would email them.


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