Monday, September 21, 2015

Review: Rachel Zoe Fall Box of Style.

Ah, the Rachel Zoe Box of Style. Marianne has been onto this for months when I was still wasting my time with lesser box subscriptions. I finally caved when I saw the sneak preview of the "hero" item in the fall box - a beautiful rose gold CLUSE watch. I'd been considering buying a watch for fall and this was just the push I needed. We texted about it a lot:



M: Just got the email!

A: I haven’t yet.

M: Come oooooon.

A: I haven’t looked for spoilers.

M: There are none other than the watch.

A: Good! I want surprises

M:  Me too. She’s hard core.

A: She doesn’t pander.

M: Nope. No early boxes to blogger, nada.


Cluse watch, Miansai cuff

M: Rachel Zoe all up on my wrist.


M: I can’t get over that all my favorite things came from her.

A: I know. Everything about her should irritate me but she knows stuff. She just has the magic touch.

M: I love her. I can’t help it.

A: She’s my favorite kind of cray.

M: Me too.

I finally got my box much to my delight (and Daniel was happy too):

(not pictured: the fedora)

And here's what I think: Just the watch alone? Totally worth it. Everything else is gravy. The box contained:

CLUSE La Bohème rose gold watch with two straps ($132 value) - I LOVE the watch. Marianne loves the watch. We love the watch. Two different bands make it really versatile.

One Love Organics Gardenia + Tea Antioxidant Body Serum ($39 value) - I was initially disappointed because I got this in a Popsugar box and never opened it. I mean, body serum? We have to serum our body now too? But, I finally caved and tried it and it smells really lovely. It's a very nice body oil full of antioxidants that sinks right in. I will grudgingly admit that I was dumb to doubt this product. It's really nice stuff.

Sloane Stationery Custom Set of Notebooks for Box of Style subscribers ($40 value) - Notebooks! So deliciously analog! I love them.

Topshop Fedora ($48 value) This was kind of a fail for me. I just look derpy in hats like this and it's most definitely NMS:

Of course Marianne looks crazy adorable in hers:

(My fedora is up for sale in the shop in case anyone is dying for one! It's a nice hat, just not for me.)

The Laundress Fabric Fresh Classic Spray  ($8 value) I don't generally use stuff like this but it smells nice. I might use it.

SHASHI Noa Climbers –  $55 value. We both love these earrings. They're also rose gold colored which is a nice throwback to the watch. They're tiny and delicate and just so pretty.

So, yay! I really think Rachel Zoe knows what she's doing with these boxes. The cost was $100 and retail value of the box is well over $300. Definitely worth it. Get $10 off! If you're tempted to sign up for the winter box click on this link to save $10 off your first box! (That is a referral link, by the way.)


  1. Nice stuff! Those earrings seem particularly cool and not cray. Looking forward to seeing them in an upcoming outfit. What's the leather clutch thingy bottom left?

    1. Ah! Sorry, that's the case the watch came in.

  2. You ladies have convinced me I have to start getting this box!

  3. OMG the One Love body serum is THE BEST!

  4. I heard about the style box here too and signed up back in October, was charged for it then and STILL haven't received it. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT (I've always liked your site), but I think people need to know that the Zoe customer service is seriously lacking. My box is 2-3 weeks late, with varying tracking information (delivery dates have been changing.) I'm not the only customer with this issue based on comments I've read on some subscription blogs. When shipping a pre-paid item late I would hope they would put some zip on the delivery time, but it's over two weeks from the ship date already, so I don't think they shelled out any extra to get items delivered in a timely way. I received a "sorry for the delay, you'll be getting tracking info shortly", which never came so I had to email them for it. I can't even cancel my subscription without emailing them directly which is a further irritant. The website doesn't display reviews or comments, so there's no way any potential customer might know any of these things. And, this is certainly personal preference (and clearly I haven't seen any items in person), but the contents of this box were a little disappointing to me, compared to the previous three boxes. For me, Jessica Alba products are not splurge items.

    1. Ugh, I'm really sorry to hear this! I haven't had any issues with shipping (and Marianne hasn't either) but it sucks that they're giving you the runaround.


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