Friday, April 8, 2016

Cute Boy Friday: Daveed Diggs.

I've finally made a list (A LONG LIST) of all the cute boy suggestions and I thank you for coming through for me like you always do. There were only a couple that made me raise an eyebrow and there were a few we've already covered, namely Tom MisonJamie Dornan, and Aidan Turner. All worthy suggestions either way!

So, the first comment asked for Daveed Diggs and YES, OKAY YOU GOT IT:

I KNOW RIGHT. If you're lucky enough to have seen Hamilton (and I have not so please shut up because I hate you) this is what you already know: 

But this doesn't suck either: 

YAS. And here he is being adorable with his very own miniature Luckdragon:

Meep! I will leave you with this: 


  1. YAAAASSSSS! Even my husband gasped and said "oh my god" when he saw that third picture for the first time. I swooned.

  2. I forgot to throw my 2 cents in on the cute boy suggestion! And ironically I'd been having an ongoing discussion (heated debate?)Friday with my two best friends (both French) and they are respectively firm on:
    Fassbender and Michael McConaughy. One likes Gosling, the other one isn't familiar enough with him.
    Two of us like Lambert Wilson.
    So here are 2 more; (besides Naohito Fujiki, of course ;)
    Jacques Gamblin
    Gad Elmaleh. (He's a bit short and now he's losing his hair but he's got a ton of charm)


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