Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pants Talk, Part Two.

Gap: Hi there! Introducing your new favorite sweats:

A: Should I be embarrassed about wanting these sweat pants?

M: Only if you plan to wear them with heels. I want them too.

A: That sounds advanced. What kind of heels?

M: Just that last outfit. I would laugh at someone that isn't a model trying to pull that off.

A: Yeah. I Wait. I read your email all wrong and thought YOU wanted to wear them with heels and was like, Um.

M: Hahaha noooo. Nope.

A: I was trying to be cool with it. I mean, you found these so…

M: I did not WANT those.

A: Hey, you found them. CLEARLY YOU WERE LOOKING.

M: I just like to keep you entertained. Case in point.


A: HAAHAHHAAAAAAaaaaaa. IT IS A SAD SONG. Written by Stevie Nicks!

M: I want to meet the person that named that top and shake their hand.

A: Total shade. I love it.




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