Friday, January 6, 2017

Cute Boy Friday: Oh Lord, James Norton. Again.

Look, I know I already talked about Mr. Norton earlier this year but I spent some quality time over the holiday binge watching Grantchester and I think he's worth another look. Because:

That is a good looking man. And because I'm nothing if not gratuitous:

😬 YAS. What? You want more? You need only ask:

And here's a nice little NSFW rear view for you because you've had a long week and maybe need a little pick-me-up. I think my favorite is him ride a bike:

Or even just standing with a bike:

I'm going to go lie down now because I feel a bit faint.


  1. Dang. He sure is wearing the hell outta that coat.

  2. Omg Love him! Have you watched Happy Valley on Netflix yet? He's a baaaaad guy but still so hot!

    1. Yes! He a bad guy but it's a really good show.

  3. My god those are some short shorts.


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