Thursday, March 16, 2017

Stuff I Like: Bkr Bottle + Reading/Watching/Listening

Okay, look. I know. I am about to sing the praises of an over-priced water bottle, but hear me out. The most recent Box of Style included a 500 ml size Bkr bottle and I was not very excited about it until I started using it. It's a glass bottle covered with a silicone sleeve and has a looped plastic cap. That's it. Only, it's somehow perfect. It feels good to hold, the opening is very small so water doesn't sploosh out when you drink too fast, and you guys? Drinking out of glass is just better. Even though I roll my eyes REAL HARD at the description of this fancy water bottle as a "beauty accessory" that's "made of soda-lime glass" as if that's some kind of fancy artisanal product and not just REGULAR OLD GLASS, still! I love it and I'm definitely drinking more water because of it.

The Bkr that came in the box is a very on-trend fleshy-blush color. Marianne loves the color but I don't know that it's very me. I am already plotting my next bottle and how cute is this one with the little silver stars? I also love the more intense colors like this purple version and oooh, green. Not so sure about the spiked version.

Bkr bottles come in three sizes and I think the "little" (500 ml) is a perfect everyday size though of course I want all three. Shut up. I also just realized my Box of Style came with a $10 off coupon for Bkr that I'm pretty sure I threw away. Womp.

So, remember how I said last week that the SRSLY podcast introduces me to shows I'd never have found otherwise? One of those is a funny little comedy called The Detectorists. Both seasons are available on Netflix and it is very, very easy to binge. It stars Mackenzie Crook and Toby Jones as a couple of nerdy friends who metal detect in the English countryside as a hobby. It's just a sweet, funny show full of likeable oddball characters. Highly recommend.

I often read two books at once, especially if one of the books is very heavy. My current fluff read is Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld, a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Yep, I am totally one of those people who likes modern books influenced by Jane Austen, but only if it's done well. (I mean, Bridget Jones Diary? That is a great book.)

Eligible is your perfect beach read- it's entertaining but doesn't insult your intelligence. If you enjoyed The Royal We, you will probably enjoy Eligible. If you want something a bit more literary, I highly suggest Longbourn by Jo Baker. Longbourn is the downstairs servants retelling of Pride and Prejudice though really, Longbourn is just the setting for a totally separate story. It's really, really good.

If you don't lean left this one might not be for you, but it's definitely for me. I've been listening to Pod Save America, a political podcast hosted by a bunch of former Obama and Clinton speechwriters and spokesmen who do a great job of explaining what's happening with the Trump presidency and how things are Definitely Not Normal. It's very entertaining and I feel more informed from listening to it. My only complaint is that it's a little... dude-heavy. They do often have women as guests (the episode with Katie Couric was very good) and there's also With Friends Like These, a new podcast under the same umbrella hosted by Ana Marie Cox. It's all about exploring the uncomfortable conversations around politics and I've been enjoying it quite a bit.

That's it for this week! Thanks to everyone who chimed in last week with support for this new feature and also for sharing your dreamy Colson Whitehead stories. Eeeeee.


  1. Ooh, I just finished "Eligible" and really enjoyed it. Off to download "Longbourn" from the library!

  2. P&P is my favorite book of all time. I loathe things like P&P and Zombies, but dearly loved Bridget Jones's Diary. And you have never led me astray, so I am so excited to check out both Eligible and Longbourn!

  3. In LOVE with my new Bkr (sea glass kind of color) - and you're correct: perfect in many ways.

  4. Ugh. I used to love Pod Save America but it's just a little bro-ey for me right now. It's not just that it's male, it's also that they spend less time doing real analysis and more time just bitching/mocking. ANYWAY. I have issues with the other resistance podcast I listen to but they are at least different issues. It's called "The 451", so maybe check it out.

    1. I see what you're saying - I think the real value is often in the guests but I still like hearing their take as former insiders. I'll definitely check out the 451, thanks!

  5. I have to watch The Detectorists - I love both of those actors. I will just call them Toby Crook as a shortcut. Also, I kind of love everything Ann Taylor has right now, and everything is 40% off today! I have $500 worth of stuff in my AT shopping cart.


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