Thursday, June 8, 2017

Stuff I Like: Marianne's Stuff!

Hey Guys, Marianne here because I LIKE THINGS TOO. I like things so much! 

Okay, yes it's toothpaste, but hear me out. I travel to New York a fair bit for work and my favorite hotel is The Maritime. I love it because it reminds me of a Wes Anderson movie and the lobby is beautiful, it's not clubby in the least, the restaurant is AMAZING, and the rooms are dark and quiet. I also love the toiletries, all from C.O. Bigelow and they leave tiny tubes of Marvis toothpaste. Why don't more hotels leave toothpaste with the toiletries? It's such a nice treat! Anyway, this toothpaste tastes really good and minty and it's just a nice little thing. Plus the tube looks pretty beside your sink as long as you don't let your husband use it because he squeezes toothpaste in a way that is grounds for divorce in some states. 

I used to shop on eBay a LOT, but in the past few years I find it less and less appealing, until this seller pulled me back in. They have GOOD stuff and their prices are really fair. Everything is thoroughly vetted and in great shape. I only buy brands that I 100% know the fit (which is almost all Vince, because Vince fits tall curvy girls surprisingly well). My favorite thing is they drop prices after listings have been up for a while so you can get really great deals. In the past couple of months I've scored a gorgeous Vince silk dress for $40, a Vince silk blouse for $33, and a lightweight cashmere blend Vince sweater for $19(!). It's all in immaculate condition. Honestly I hesitated even telling you guys because now you'll steal my auctions but I AM A GIVER. You're welcome. 

Oh hey, you guys? I'm watching this great little show no one knows about called Girls? Haha, I know. I got a free trial month of HBO Now on Amazon so I am binging all the shows. I'm on Season 3 of Girls and it's really working for me right now--which is funny because it's my fourth or fifth attempt at watching it. I really love Adam and I don't want to hear why you don't. It's okay. He can be my weirdo to love. He's so odd looking and I am personally HERE FOR IT. He's so tall!

I cook a lot and I go through periods where I am obsessed with a food blog and everything I make is from it. In the past I've had runs where I make everything from Smitten Kitchen or Everyday Maven. But right now I'm obsessed with A Pinch of Yum. Her recipes are diverse and creative and so damned delicious (oh that's another food blog I like, Damn Delicious). She recently suffered a loss and it's let me get to know her better and listen I don't know this girl at all but she seems like a great person and again, the food is so good. I post meals on my Instagram sometimes if you want to see some of my faves. 

It is summer and therefore ROSE SEASON and I have a lot of favorites, let me tell you. Trader Joe's has these tiny (4 oz) cans of rosé that are a delight. I've had other canned rosés (Underwood makes a good one) that are great but 12 ounces and guess what? That's basically 3 servings of wine and will get you DRUNK by accident because that can just goes down too easy. The tiny pink Trader Joe's cans are the way to go and look very cute for a party. My other Trader Joe's rose pick is Carayon La Rose, it's $5 and great. Pour that sucker over ice with some orange La Croix, a splash of Aperol, and a squeeze of orange and boom, you have a rosé aperol spritz like some kind of gee dee hipster. 

Adrien was here a couple of weeks ago (come back!) and at one point I touched her arm like a creep and it was SO SOFT (even creepier!). See, I try to look put together but if you touch my arm it will be revealed that I am actually part dragon because I haaaaaate putting on lotion, especially when it's hot. If I could take a pill that would moisturize my body I so would, even if there were strange side effects. How bad could it be? Get on that, big pharma. BUT I DIGRESS--Adrien is a functioning adult who moisturizes daily, but she also told me her newest secret*, which is the Buffy from Lush. It's a big old block of shea butter with scrubby bits in it that hurt a little but in a good way. At the end of your shower you just go to town and rub it all over, then briefly rinse the scrubby bits off, and you are soooooffffft and didn't have to put on lotion so WIN WIN. 

Ugh, Rodan & Fields Lash Boost I hate myself
Just getting that out of the way. I hate that I am recommending a $150 lash goop that you can only buy from a MLM. I hate it so much. However this shit is LEGIT and has given me insane bambi lashes. I look like I have lash extensions which cost that much but only last a couple of weeks so I'm winning maybe? I already had good lashes but now they are stupid long and I can't put on more than a coat or two of mascara because they are heavy like a giraffe. Don't giraffes have long lashes? I am not about to Google that shit so let's say yes. 

Did you enjoy this??? Because I can talk about stuff all day long. 

* Credit where credit is due: I found out about the Buffy from my friend Ashley! Now we're all soooooffffft. But fair warning, it will make your shower a slip-and-fall disaster. Plan accordingly. -Adrien


  1. Yay!! I definitely enjoyed this! Checking out that ebayer immediately (I have been feeling the same way- what has happened to ebay??) Please come back Marianne! I feel guilty bc I stalk your outfits sometimes on your instagram, and I would feel much less creepy if you would just post them here...

  2. Oh, thanks for the ebay tip, as I love Vince (shortish curvy girl here, and Vince looks good on me, too). Now we will all bid on those auctions and it will be a bidding war!

  3. Buffy is indeed life-changing.

  4. Yessss, Marianne! Please pop in and tell us about stuff. Love the contrast between the two of you! Like I love those tiny cans of wine... Thanks for explaining the Underwood-drunk for us. I thought it was altitude the first time it happened...

  5. Ugh, why is that R&F eyelash stuff so expensive? Dammit. I really wanted some but I can't quite justify spending that much on my lashes.

    1. Ugh I know. It is cheaper than Latisse though, and better I think. And it lasts a long time.

  6. I too love The Maritime and just a walk away, OK not a short walk but not a long walk, is C.O.Bigelow itself and you can get this assortment of tiny Marvis toothpastes there!

  7. Have you tried J.L. Quinson Côtes de Provence Rosé from Trader Joe's? It used to be $6.00, but it's up to $7 this summer (I once witnessed a male actor from The Sopranos buy a whole case). The Marvis toothpaste could be rotting my teeth and I would still use it. Currently brushing with Jasmin mint.


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