Wednesday, July 19, 2017

PSA: These LOFT Pants Are A Revelation.

M: I literally just panic shopped a new wardrobe for Texas. It's going to be so hot.

A: It hard to dress for humidity!

M: These Loft pants are surprisingly great btw:

A: Oh, so cute! I need to hit up Loft soon.

M: They are as comfy as pajamas and not jeans. I have too many jeans.

A: I don't have any pants that aren't tight. I might order them.

M: I have it in my head that tight is more flattering but I think I might be wrong.

M: Oh and I got these Anthro shorts for $20 to wear with an oversized linen t-shirt.

A: Anthro is dead to me. Ordered a pretty silk dress and they send me droopy pants. Nope.

M: I like the pants.

A: They aren't even my size!

M: ðŸ™ˆ

A: I hate Anthro tbh. Your shorts are cute, tho.

M: #victim

A: #ipaidforthis

M: The shorts are super comfy.

A: The Loft pants just arrived! Can I get an opinion?

M: Sure!

A: They are very, very much outside the zone of what I usually wear.

Turrible photo type I inflict on Marianne.

M: Oh I think they are super cute.

A: They're crazy comfortable.

A: Pants that don't try to cut me in half? The idea!

M: It's a revelation.

PS. Get 40% off everything at LOFT with code SUMMER17 plus 4% cash back with eBates


  1. Bought the pants and then also another dress. I hate both of you (but in a nice way).

  2. I bought the pants in all three colors (plus like three other things). I should be mad at you, but Loft is like taco bell - no matter how much you buy, the total cost is never very much. :)


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