Monday, August 27, 2018

Week Four: Stuff I Didn't Buy (And Stuff We Definitely Did.)

Oh you guys. I know. If you follow us on IG you might know that Marianne and I got into a little trouble this past weekend. It tends to happen when I get together IRL with long distance besties but you know what? We needed a little quality retail therapy and IT WAS WORTH IT.

First, here's what I didn't buy last week:

  • This striped tee from Everlane (which I might eventually buy because my best long-sleeved black and white striped tee has died):

  • This amazing necklace that's on the TJ Maxx site right now:

  • This rad Bowie tee because I'm never not looking: 

  • Alllll the mascara, but especially this one

And then Marianne and I had a lovely 24 hours together and suddenly we were at the Kiehl's counter to get samples of a Vitamin C product she was curious about and we both ended up with these kits:

AND THEN. Then we went to Anthropologie (it was 20% off day 🤷🏽‍♀️) and I happened upon this jacket:

I pawed at it and then went for the price tag and Marianne was all, "dun dun much?" and we were shocked because it was not $400 like we were both assuming. It was under $100, y'all. It totally fooled me, this soft vegan jacket that drapes like a dream. LIKE A DREAM. It's basically the wine cardigan of the jacket world and the next thing we knew we'd both bought it.

And if you're thinking, "you both already have multiple olive green jackets" we would both be all, SHUT UP THIS ONE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT because it really is. I have posted a bad selfie photo of it on IG but I promise an outfit soon because it's my new favorite thing and I'm totally wearing it on my trip.


  1. have you seen this Bowie tee? It's SO cool.
    I'm going to make mine work-friendly by wearing with a pencil skirt.

  2. dammit, you guys're as bad as Kim France with the making-me-buy-stuff ... (just ordered the jacket; I've gone down a couple of cup sizes and it *might* not make like GAZE UPON THE MAJESTIC PROW OF THIS MAGNIFICENT SHIP on me; we'll see ...)

    1. Listen, I know. I KNOW. But it's really good! We both prefer it unzipped and it's really soft and comfortable and still looks very Fashion. Report back!

  3. update: THIS. JACKET. IS. MAGICAL. I freakin LOVE it! Very Fashion, and as you said -- the drape is perfection. (for reference if anyone's considering ordering it: I'm 5'5", ~125, 36C, and the small fits like it was made for me).

    1. I TOLE YOU. I am so glad it works for you! I mean, it's something, isn't it? I don't LOVE it all zipped up on me, I think it works best all drape-y but it's still pretty magical.


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