Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Shopping Report: An Update.

Y'all are probably real sick of hearing about this dress but THERE IS MORE SORRY/NOT SORRY. Because I am an obsessive weirdo I went back to Anthro yesterday hoping they'd magically have the leopard dress in my size. Alas, they did not, but while wandering around I noticed a sales assistant steaming the snakeskin version behind the counter. They hadn't even put them out yet but yes, I will take the small, please:

Turns out? It's great and the colorway works fine on me. I obviously bought the damn dress and also picked up the leopard for Marianne. (She has promised an outfit selfie!) I rarely buy anything full price at Anthro  but I think this dress is worth checking out because it's great and it's going to fly out of there. I'm wearing it today with tights and boots and will definitely be wearing it in a few months with bare legs and clog sandals!

Sort of related, I've been noticing a LOT of leopard and snakeskin on the Anthro site and thought I'd share a few of my favorites:

This blouse is SO FOR ME. I am going to keep a close eye on it for spring! (It needs to go on sale.) 

If you're leery about wearing A LOT of snake, maybe what you need is these ultra cool Supergas? 

I haven't bought a belt in ages but how f'ing great would this look with a plain black dress? 

There is a ton of leopard on the site (leopard 4Evr!) so I had to work hard to narrow things down:

This is more Marianne's jam than mine, but it's very 80s safari in a good way. 
(Hey, remember when we did this? Good times.) 

These are straight up adorable and the print is just right - neither too big nor too small. 

This top is riiiight on the edge of being maybe too much for me which means I should go try it on and know for sure because it might be just the right amount of too much. 



  1. Check out the Matisse Berlin slides, SO GOOD. Because I don't know how to insert a link: https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/matisse-berlin-snake-printed-slides?category=SEARCHRESULTS&color=015

    1. I love those and was going to link them but there are almost no sizes left. :(

  2. How would you assess the sizing? The reviews say it runs large.....

    1. It definitely runs a bit large. I’m a 6 or 8 in dresses and the small was perfect, the medium too big.

  3. I wish that weird pink/red leopard top was a slip dress instead :(

  4. I was going to comment on the earlier post and say I thought the snakeskin would be awesome on you and then BAM! Also yay! I love shopping happy endings.


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