
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Outfit Of The Day: I Have a Madewell Problem.

So, listen. I realized much too late that everything I'm wearing here is Madewell. It's embarrassing that I can't seem to diversify within an outfit anymore. But, I really like all of it? Here we go: 

So, starting at the top, I'm wearing the crepe wrap top I reviewed back in January and it's been a really good addition to my closet. I get compliments every time I wear it! I am not super crazy about the fabric but it's easy to wear, very low-maintenance (and super on sale right now.) 

I'm also wearing my Madewell black coated denim jeans that I had to buy on Poshmark because they don't make them anymore. I love the leather-ish look of coated jeans. For something similar,  this pair by 7FAMK looks really sleek and you can't go wrong with Paige Denim's version either. If you don't want to invest quite yet, H&M also has a pair!

Now, we're gonna get down to the details in which I am wearing leopard and python prints and it's a lot. First, the details:

Texture! It's hard to really see my necklace but it's an old House of Harlow Sunburst pendant. I'm also wearing an old Giles & Brother railroad spike cuff. Now, lately I've been doing this very stupid thing where I buy old MJ bags that are VERY nice bags but they've fallen out of fashion and nobody wants them and they're dirt cheap.  I can't help myself!  This amazing python MJ Westside Satchel was a Saks exclusive (from 2009-10?) that I remember fawning over but not buying because it was like $900. Well, turns out all you have to do is wait ten years and it's yours! It's hard to link anything similar but this DKNY satchel is pretty great and this D&B bag has a similar style. 

My leopard flats are of course my new Madewell Reid flats and they are GOOD. True-to-size and comfortable right out of the box. I've worn them for two full days and no blisters or pain. Plus, they're just really freaking cute. If you're looking for leopard flats, definitely put these on your list. 

It was a chilly morning so I threw on my old (wait for it) Madewell et Sezane jacket that is still a firm staple in my closet. It's long gone but there's an XS on Posh. Madewell currently has the similar Passage jacket and I have to let you know that there's a Universal Thread utility jacket at Target that is really, really cute. I might have tried it on. I didn't buy it! I just tried it on. Hush. 

Monday, April 29, 2019

BUY THIS (So We Don't Have To): Madewell Sale on Sale.

Sorry to be such a Madewell enabler lately but I've just been super happy with most of my Madewell purchases this spring. Right now all sale items are an extra 20% off with code ENJOY20 which isn't huge but isn't bad either. Here's what I like:

I mentioned last week that I bought these jeans and y'all, they are GOOD. I'll review them soon. 

This is the kind of casual white shirt I wish I owned but never think to buy. 

These cute sandals come in three colors but I love this natural leather the best. 

I LOVE this backpack! It comes in a bunch of colors but I'm always going to get the olive green.

These cute fluffy tassel earrings also come in a bunch of colors and really, you can't go wrong. 

The Whisper tees on sale are pretty much gone but this striped tank version looks very promising. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Weekend Window Shopping: My Current Obsession.

You know how you have those specific things that you really love and are always looking for even when you shouldn't? Yeah, well, mine are leopard shoes and red bags. Lately I've been stalking red bags like it's my job (heh) and here are a few with which I'm particularly enamored:



Wednesday, April 24, 2019

We Discuss: More Springtime Shopping.

M: I know I was JUST saying that JCrew isn’t cut for me, but those jeans I bought at the empty store with you are turning into my new faves. I have heard their white jeans are actually opaque and I’m tempted...

A: Ooh, show me.

M: I think these are kind of fun:

M: And I would be tempted by these but I already have a pair of distressed white jeans, I really need a pair that’s more polished

A: Oh, those look good! I am very into the idea of white boyfriend jeans this summer

M: I usually like to size up in white jeans though and the JCrew ones aren’t available in a size up

A: Boo

M: I am tempted to try them anyway

M: For that price

M: Well I had a $5 reward, free shipping, and money in my paypal. I’m sure they will be too small and I’ll regret it

A: Eh, you never know!

M: I just read a passionate thumbs up for these AG shorts (sized up 1-2 sizes for slouchiness):

A: Those are so cute!

A: Maybe too similar to my Gap pair to have both?

M: probably

M: The review I read showed them rolled and it was cute

M: I do not need more whisper tees I do NOT

A: Ummm




A: Ok, damn. You good.

M: However I did commit some stress-related shopping indiscretions

A: Oh?

M: The white jeans that will be a disappointment, those shorts I don’t need, a sun hat I do, and that Lou and Grey dress. And some glasses that block blue light from screens I DON’T KNOW

A: Disappointment Jeans is our band name

A: Also, oops that J.Crew shirt I forgot I even ordered showed up and it’s really good.

M: Oh well that’s good!

A: This is it:

M: Pretty

A: The color is better irl though now I’m wishing I’d gotten white

M: I love the navy but it does seem hot in the sun

A: Oh, it’s super thin

M: I’m just glad it’s not a huge disappointment!

A: Me too! It fits just right.


M: Ignore that I’m wearing them with a sweater because fuck this weather bit these AE shorts are actually pretty cute:

A: Those are great!

M: But they are tissue paper thin (tho very soft!) so I am glad I only spent $20

A: Eep

M: The J.Crew jeans are good but tiiiight:

M: While they technically fit they are going back

A: Yeah, tight white jeans are nobody’s friend

M: Nope

A: I sold the release hem Madewell jeans that are uncomfortably tight and ordered a diff pair with the most recent 30% off sale sale:

M: Those look good!

A: We’ll see!

M: This Lou & Grey dress is wacky and super wrinkled but I LOVE it:

A: Pretty!

M: It’s so light and airy and fun


M: It’s funny, I feel like I went through a big no dress phase and now I’m back

A: I def want more dresses for summer

M: They are so easy. Like onesies.

A: Yep, the good ones definitely are.

A: Wait, onesies?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Beauty Report: Beauty Box Hits.

Things have been really boring for me on the beauty front lately because I've mostly been trying to use up the products I have but I keep getting good stuff in my beauty box so I figured I'd tell ya'll about it.

(A quick note: I totally caved and signed back up with the Allure Beauty Box *not an affiliate link* because even though they have the worst customer service OF ALL TIME it's still, hands down, the best box deal out there. I am not proud but I will take your full sized Sunday Riley products, thank you very much.) ANYYYYWAY, I have very, very much been loving this new Sunday Riley CEO Glow vitamin C oil they sent me:

I love Sunday Riley facial oils anyway and have been using this one every morning. I break out from l-ascorbic acid (which is in most vit c serums) but THD Ascorbate, which is the form used in the CEO serum and this oil, seems to agree with me. I just know that my face is brighter and my brown spots are slightly lighter and my skin really likes it. (I still use my beloved Juno oil at night.)  Also, I just realized I mentioned this product last month in my skincare update post, but it's worth mentioning again - I still really love it and will definitely buy it again.

Side note: despite my devotion to Sunday Riley, I'm considering switching out Good Genes for The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% because it's $6.80 and OMG seriously, it's $6.80. Rumor has it there's a VIB sale next week at Sephora, so I'm just going to add it to my (very full) shopping cart. Has anyone tried this as a Good Genes dupe?

My new eyebrows don't need much, but I got this tinted eyebrow gel by The BrowGal in the February box and I really like it:

It's pretty similar to Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow and (I suspect) to Glossier Boybrow so not exactly innovative but it's nice for giving my brows a little bit more oomf and shape. I am slightly obsessed with my eyebrows now, yes. Shut up. Another product I've been enjoying from my most recent box is this Laura Geller INKcredible Gel Eyeliner :

I have it in Purple Rain which is being clearanced out at Nordstrom Rack for reasons I don't understand but I guess Nordstrom isn't carrying the line anymore. (They're probably discontinuing it because I like it.) Anyway, I don't always like to wear dark eyeliner and this is a really lovely lavender purple that's just the right medium-ish shade and looks really nice with brown eyes.

In more serious beauty news, I am SUPER SAD that my favorite Japanese mascara has vanished from the world. What TO DO? Nothing else I've tried is even close so if you have a secret favorite Asian mascara, let me know.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Review: Gap Denim Shorts

Hi hi hi! In preparation for summer I ordered two pairs of denim cut-off shorts from the Gap and I'm going to review them. Denim shorts are a summer staple for me and I am READY for summer. In my brain. Are my legs ready for prime time? No, they aren't. Have I gotten a much-needed pedicure? Absolutely not. But fuck it, let's do this anyway:

This pair of mid rise 5" shorts appealed because I don't have any light denim and it felt a bit out of my comfort zone. It still does. These shorts do come in darker wash, but the light wash felt more current and it's growing on me. Overall, I love the fit:

Slouchy, not too tight around the leg and just enough distressing. I also LOVE the 5" inseam. They aren't in the Bermuda shorts range (which can go dowdy fast) but I feel appropriately covered. 

What do y'all think? I like them and they're certainly comfortable. I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping these. The next pair is a more traditional medium wash rolled leg style:

They are...fine? I am not overly excited about them but I definitely think I'd wear them. I do find that they're a bit tighter around the bottom of the leg than I care for:

I like the 5" length, the distressing and the denim is good, but they aren't GREAT. Plus, they are nearly identical (except for a few inches of inseam) to this pair I already own. Do I need the extra couple of inches? Maybe. 

Since I'm here, I figured I'd talk about the details real quick. My sandals are obviously my new white Birkenstock Arizonas. I am happy with them! It's hard to go wrong with Arizonas. I'm also wearing my excellent new Madewell whisper tee:

Sorry for the aggressive close-up, I just wanted to show the slub texture of the tee and also my monogram necklace from Anthropologie, which always gets me compliments. What do you guys think of the shorts? Keep both? Keep none? 

PS. The Gap currently has two codes SPRING for 40% off and HAPPY for an additional 10% off. Don't pay full price! 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Weekend Window Shopping: Play Clothes.

Time for play clothes! (Not the drapes, y'all.) When the weather gets warm and sunny I just want to be outside in fun, comfy clothes that are NOT work appropriate. Here's a little collection of what I like right now:


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blog Science: I Got My Brows Microbladed.

I got my brows microbladed...for science! Okay, not really. I got them microbladed because my brows had gotten thin and patchy and I was tired of filling them in every day. Could I just not? Sure, but without brows I look older and a bit washed out. Plus, it was a birthday gift to myself and I was dying to try the local artist who my (awesome) hairstylist recommended. Her brows looked amazing and I wanted in, man. 

If you aren't familiar with microblading, it's a semi-permanent tattooing procedure using a hand-held tool and pigment to lightly scratch hair strokes into your face. It sounds great, right? No? Ha. Screw it, let's do this. Here's where I started:

When I was young I had really nice, thick brows. Then the 90s happened and we all waxed our brows into oblivion. I blame Drew Barrymore. I grew them back in but in the last few years they've gotten patchy and thin. Just vanishing off my face. I was REAL TIRED of filling them in so I made an microblading appointment in January. 

Microblading is a two appointment process. During the first appointment she measured my face and spends quite a lot of time drawing in my new brows with a grease pencil.  Once I approved, the numbing cream went on: 

Then the microblading started. The tool makes a scratching noise which is weird as hell. The first pass didn't hurt. I could sort of feel it, but it didn't hurt. The next pass? It definitely hurt. Even with more numbing cream, I could feel it. It wasn't excruciating, but I was glad when it stopped. After she was finished she put a bunch more pigment on top and I sat around and let that do it's thing:

I texted this pic to Marianne with the caption, "So natural! I love them!" Finally, I was cleaned up and sent on my way with a strict list of care instructions - Do not get them wet for two weeks. Do not sweat for two weeks. Do not touch. Do not pick. Be good. Here's what I looked like right after my first appointment:

Pretty nice. They got darker and less crisp as they healed. Here's how they looked a few days later:

Over the next two weeks they flaked and scabbed and I will spare you those photos. It was a process. It's also an enormous pain in the ass to keep your eyebrows dry for two weeks but I did it. My next appointment was seven weeks later. By then, my brows looked like this:

They were okay but I was antsy to get this whole thing finished. The second appointment is a touch-up because the pigment doesn't always completely take or it fades or spots get missed. All of this is corrected in the second appointment. I was so ready for it because, while I was enjoying my new brows, I wanted MORE. I walked in all, "Remember how I said I didn't want them too bold? Ignore that. I want more." She laughed and said everyone says that. 

The second appointment was much shorter. She listened to my requests that my left brow be brought in a bit to match my right (which is my "good" brow) and she bumped it all up a little bit. This is how they looked a few days after the second appointment: 

I am super happy with them! They look really natural, which is exactly what I wanted. I am not really into super groomed, sharp brows. Here's a before and after for comparison: 

Quite a difference, right?  It was a process but now I get 12-18 months of just having nice brows. Sometimes I use some tinted brow gel but mostly they're good on their own. I am still digging my right brow (on the left in the pic) more but there's a small scar through my left brown that makes it a bit wonky. I swear I have never looked at my eyebrows this much in my entire life. 

Questions? Concerns? 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Outfit of the Day: Stuff I Forgot About

Hey, an outfit! I still haven't dragged out my summer stuff so I am doing that awkward thing where I am still mixing winter stuff in with whatever happens to be in my closet. Like this: 

I bought this top at TJ Maxx while visiting Marianne back in January. It's suuuuuper cheap but seemed like it would be fun for spring/summer. It's...okay? I think you can do better, tbh. Like, this leopard tee feels a bit lighter and this one would be great for summer. Also, how cute is this leopard blouse at LOFT? 

My red jeans are from Banana Republic and I like them, but they're feeling pretty wintery. I'm currently digging this pair of bright pink-red release hem jeans as a summery option and how cute is this pair of red Paige culotte jeans? Damn, I wish I hadn't seen those. Soon it'll be all dresses, all the time anyway, right? 

The back has some interesting button detail action, which saves it a little bit, right? More details: 

Allll the labradorite, as per usual. My Dean Davidson tassel and Argento Vivo pendant (similar). 

I'm still carrying my Marc Jacobs Paradise Rio satchel. There's a pretty grey one on the RealReal, just FYI. Speaking of pretty grey things, my boots are a Madewell purchase from last summer (the Regan style is similar) and y'all, I struggle with these boots. I thought they'd go with everything, and yet? They don't seem to go with anything. Maybe it's the pants? I don't know, I changed them before I left the house: 

And then I added my Veda jacket because it makes me happy every single time I put it on: 

And listen, I am not trying to talk you into a grey leather jacket but if you're dying for one, this one at Barneys is not really a bargain but it is very cute and 40% off. There's also this faux BB Dakota version which is a much better price. I'll stop now. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

BUY THIS (So We Don't Have To): Madewell Sale on Sale!

Ugh, you guys. Madewell is offering an extra 30% off sale items with code SPRINGFLING. Sales like this make in insane. Here's what's in my fantasy cart:

 Jeans, always. I love the wash on this pair of Boyjeans! 

Okay, this is really for Marianne. Totally Elio's Mom style.

This is not my usual palette but I keep eyeing it. So pretty. 

Now these? These are for me. 

This looks like the cute striped cousin of my red wrap top. 


Le Sigh. I love this jacket so much.