Monday, April 8, 2019

BUY THIS (Because We’re Starting To Crack): What's Tempting Us.

Hey, you know back in January where we swore off fast fashion clothing purchases from Target, H&M, Forever 21 and Old Navy? So far we've been doing great with this but as the weather gets nicer, we're starting to crack. We did allow ourselves one "get out of jail free" card each and we're still kinda up in the air about Gap or Loft. (I didn't make any firm promises on those two and Gleemonex made a pretty good case for Gap in the comments of that entry.) Anyway, enough justification, here is what's tempting us:

I am still looking for denim shorts and I really don't want to pay up for them. This pair at the Gap definitely fits the bill - mid-rise, 5" inseam and a cool distressed finish.

I also really like this pair with the rolled leg which are also mid-rise and 5" inseam. THANK YOU GAP. It doesn't hurt that code CYBER takes 45% off everything. This might have to happen. 

Then we have Marianne who's been creeping on the H&M site even though she knows better. The floaty pirate lady blouses are getting to her: 

I'm a pretty pirate! 

Ugh, this is so so so lovely.

And this is just perfect and also comes in navy. And it's $10.

This jersey dress is also hurting both our feelings, tbh.

Finally, Marianne has something to say: 

Okay PSA--Loft makes the BEST short pajamas and they will make you feel so cute and springy and are super comfy. I bought two pairs last year and they are the best. Check these out: 

Summer is coming! What's been tempting you? 


  1. Target's sandals are tempting me. A lot.

  2. I swore off fast fashion this year, after reading your post, buuttttt I did cave and got a midi snake print dress from H&M. I love it and get compliments on it all the time. I am also trying to keep my Loft purchases to a minimum this year as well.

    1. That sounds like a good purchase! H&M has some great dresses this spring. Mostly this "no fast fashion" resolution has helped me to be more measured in my shopping, like, not wandering through the Target clothing section to see what catches my eye. It definitely cuts down on impulse purchases.


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