Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stuff I Like: What's Making You Happy?

This blog is unapologetically about things and shopping (and also personal style and friendship and sometimes cute boys) and that sometimes feels weird to me because what gives me the most joy is the stuff you can't hold in your hand - travel and outdoor cycling, mainly.

But, you know what? I also just fucking love THINGS (even house things though this isn't a blog for that), so this "Stuff I Like" entry is about the physical things that have made me happy lately because it's okay to have stuff make you happy. Why not? It doesn't make you less intellectual to find pleasure in objects. Let's start with this:

This Squirrel Feeder Will Improve Your Life.
My boyfriend bought this because our indoor kitties enjoy watching the squirrels. YES. That is a tiny picnic table feeder and yes, the squirrels sit on the bench while they dine on corn. I lose my mind a little bit every time it happens because it's so absurdly cute. My friend Ashley suggested the squirrels might need a tiny Coleman cooler and a grill. Don't tempt me.

An Update On The Head Massager.
In the last Stuff I Like entry I was pondering the purchase of a shampoo massager thing and I ordered it and I love it. I use it with my non-sudsing shampoo and it just feels so nice! Like a little treat. I am also still very much into my weird silicone scrubby thing (now with hanging loop!), so if you were considering buying one but then didn't, I can assure it you it's a million times better than those gross shower poofs and I will never go back.

Dansk Brings Me Joy.
In another edition of "Marianne has it so I want it too" I have been coveting Marianne's set of vintage yellow Dansk kitchen canisters for literally years. They are the very best kind of cheerful Danish Modern with four satisfying divots in the lids for your fingers and I just love them. During my most recent visit  I started a search on eBay and discovered they also come in red. WELL NOW.  I couldn't find a complete set but found two different auctions with two containers each and when the first two arrived, I was SO PLEASED:

The other two will hopefully arrive soon and then I'll have more than a full set! I mean, yes, they are melamine kitchen canisters but they give me such happy satisfaction, I can't even explain. If you are a mid-century fan but can't even with the plastic, West Elm has this very elegant set and I also own some great vintage teak and glass Dansk pieces so I highly recommend keeping an eye out for it at flea markets. Also! The designer of the Dansk melamine line was Gunnar Cyrén who also designed a series of delightful animal paperweights so now I'm obsessed with those too. Thanks, Internet.


  1. Did you make a hook for your silicone scrubber? Mine sits on the shelf which gets it icky.

    1. Nope, I just kind of rest it sitting up on my shower caddy shelf and it drains just fine.


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