Thursday, September 3, 2020

Stuff We Like: September Edition.

Hi! Did it seem like August lasted for a million days? Well, now it's September so time for some Stuff We Like:

This podcast that features Marianne! 
The South of Scruffy podcast features Ben Field's "favorite artists, entertainers, and friends for a to-the-point conversation about what makes them tick." This week he talks to our very own Marianne Canada about her actual real job working for the Internet and the path that took her there. (Honestly, if I didn't know her and listened to this I'd still think she was completely fascinating.)

This giant scrunchie that's Marianne's favorite
Marianne: Is this scrunchie enormous? Yes. But does it bring me immense joy? Also yes! If you have long hair, you need this scrunchie in your life. The satin doesn’t pull or bend your hair and something about the sheer size of it really preserves your style (and makes for a cute messy topknot!). Giant Scrunchie, where have you been all my life? (Note from Adrien: if you're like, "I can't just order a single scrunchie from Target" consider throwing some of the really nice Chateau hand soap in your cart. I promise you won't be sad about it.)

This Movie That Was So Weird (in a good way)
Okay, sometimes you just want a movie that makes you yell, "This is SO WEIRD!" And then hunker down for more. Get Duked!, described as, "an anarchic, hip-hop inspired comedy" is exactly that movie. (Thank you, Eddie Izzard.) It's funny and irreverent and dark in all the best ways. And it's weird, so weird, but just lean into it and enjoy.

This Notebook That Sparks Joy
I use this Moleskine notebook every day for my daily lists (I like checking off boxes, what can I say) and my current one is almost full so I went to see what fun colors were available. YOU GUYS. THEY HAVE DAVID BOWIE MOLESKINE NOTEBOOKS. I am sorry to yell but I was shocked that I didn't know this information and so so happy. I immediately ordered one and then was like, Wait. I cannot sully this thing of beauty with my mundane lists. Marianne yelled at me and demanded that I write in it IMMEDIATELY and I will. I totally will. I might look at it a while first, but I will absolutely probably write in it.


  1. Thank for the movie suggestion. We watched and enjoyed it last night. Cheers!

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