Friday, September 11, 2020

Weekend Window Shopping: Fall Picks from Nordstrom Rack.

Like I said, that switch has been flipped and suddenly I'm all boots and sweaters! Decorative gourds! Woodsy scented candles! (It's still very much summer here, by the way.) Anyway, I checked out Nordstrom Rack and there is so much cute stuff. One thing I wasn't able to capture for my dumb widget was this cute rain parka:

It's by Levi's and it's on sale! I love this wine color so much. Here's what else I liked:


  1. How do you find good stuff at NR? Every time I go there and look around it looks like the worst of TJ Maxx. Do you look for specific brands? Teach me your ways, oh wise one!

    1. The closest NR is more than an hour away so I just shop the website.

    2. Me, too. I just never see anything good there.

    3. There was one magical trip years ago where I found three pairs of Chie Mihara shoes but otherwise its usually a bust.

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