Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday Mood: A Few Gifty Things I Love.

I feel a little weird about discussing gifts because it feels like I'm taking away from the joy of the gift by looking it up and posting about it, but I really can't help it! THIS IS GOOD STUFF and I want you to know about it. Also, it's Monday and I'm short on ideas. Here we go:

This stuff, y'all. This Lord Jones CBD lotion was such a nice gift because I'm just sore all the time and even if it's the placebo effect I swear this lotion works. It's also cooling which feels so nice. I was given the unscented version so I could still use it when I have migraines but it also comes in a couple of lovely scents. 

I know I posted this snakeskin pouch recently but I am really into it! This will be a perfect travel pouch (let's be optimistic! We shall travel!) to throw in my backpack or tote. It's organized enough to be a wallet but will also hold my passport (remember those?) and essentials like earbuds, Chapstick, etc. Plus, it looks expensive and fancy but it's not! Yay Madewell

So listen. I know I'm all into cute matches for my candles but I have changed my mind. Fuck matches, Marianne just totally upped my game by giving me this best thing ever. THIS IS AN ARC LIGHTER AND IT IS AMAZING. It's like a teeny tiny cattle prod (the cats are straight terrified of it) and it lights your candles with a satisfying sizzle. Also, it's USB charged, so no batteries or anything! Seriously, you need one of these. it's SO FUN. PS. This candle is my new favorite and you might need it as well.

If you love delicate jewelry, you might like Whimsy Jewelry! (And, if you're a Bowie fan, you definitely will like Whimsy jewelry.) My sweet boyfriend gave me the necklace to match the earrings he gave me last year and they're so delightful! She's got a bunch of different collections, so definitely check out her site. 

Finally, I bought myself something and YES IT'S BOOTS BECAUSE WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE. Hush. I realized recently that I don't actually own any snow boots and what am I going to do if it actually snows? I found these Sorel Explorer Joan boots on sale and they arrived and they're REAL CUTE. Of course, by buying them I've guaranteed that we won't get any snow this winter, but what can you do. (PS. I did go up a half size.) 

1 comment:

  1. I forget what it’s called, but the Lord Jones for your feet is AMAZING!!


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