Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday Mood: Holiday Break

Hello! So, I completely busted my foot and have to have surgery tomorrow to get it put back together. Merry Christmas to me. Ugh. I will be out for a few days but then will have ample time to be completely bored out of my mind, so I will definitely get blog-posty again soon. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a happy holidays and I will be back in touch soon.




  1. What a wretched thing to happen. Have a lovely restful Christmas after the surgery! Have a hot toddy and some chocolate every day.

  2. Agreed, having to have surgery is complete rubbish! Take care of yourself, we need you!

  3. Dang. Enjoy the enforced downtime if you can!

  4. Argh so sorry to hear this Adrien! Thinking of you!

  5. Sorry to hear of your surgery! Hope you find lots of good books and TV shows to keep you entertained.

  6. Oh no! I hope you can treat yourself with lots of rest, patience, and treats. And thank you for the delightful photo of your handsome gentleman! Between the tissue paper/ gift bags, chanukah candles, and tree, my cats are convinced it's the most wonderful time of the year.

  7. What a tough time to be laid up. Sending you good vibes for speedy recovery. Enjoy cuddling with cats and eating delicious food.

  8. So sorry to hear this! I've had 3 foot surgeries over the years. Remember that ice and elevation are your friends!! The more you elevate, the less swelling (and pain) you will have that first week post-op. And truly arnica gel helps with bruising when you can bear to touch your foot post-surgery.

  9. Hope you have a swift recovery!

  10. Hope you have a swift and smooth recovery - good thing you that handsome tabby to keep you company! (did you know, it's scientifically proven that a cat's purr is in the correct mhz range to promote healing?) Cats are the best!!

  11. Hope you're mending well! Do you still have your black cat? (Lucy?)


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